Formerly of "MPAA" (Depot Square)
est. 1999 Monadnock Performing Arts Academy c. 1999-2013
PDT, LLC is the Monadnock Regions Premiere Non-Competition, Dance Education Center
We believe your only competition is yourself and not from learning tricks to get a trophy.
Student Progress is based on one's dedication to their art including attendance, class focus and home practice

174 Concord St. (Rte. 202) Suite 230
Peterborough NH 03458
The Strand Building
Peterborough Dance Theatre LLC

Celebrating 39 years of Dance Teaching and friendly, family oriented service in the Monadnock Region

Discover your strength in life through the arts at PDT, LLC!
Easy drop off & pick up
Ample Hassle Free Parking!
Flexible & Family Friendly
Ask about our discounts for transfering and referred students!
Register Now!
Classes start week of September 9, 2024
Call 603-547-0226
for info. and to learn more about our programs.
In-person or remote options available
PDT, LLC teaches the art of dance in
a positive, "non-competition" environment. Our program's class sizes are intentionally limited, ensuring your child receives the individual attention they need. Your child's safety is our priority.
We practice kindness and humility, bringing out the best in each student's development as an artist and person!
And we always offer shoes and trial classes. We want you to feel like our studio is the right fit before registering.
Want to learn more about us? Call anytime. We love answering any questions you may have about our dance school and are always welcoming new students! Come take a TRIAL CLASS!

Peterborough Dance Theatre, llc Class Descriptions
CREATIVE Dance, Movement & Music Class: Ages 3-5
A wonderful Early Childhood experience! Explore Movement & Music through the fundamental elements and concepts of dance in a developmentally appropriate setting. The young student develops skills and experiences the joy of self expression through evidence based research including story, play, movement, rhythm and music. Develops a creative and expressive future dancer/artist! Includes Pre-Ballet and Pre-Tap basics. Must be able to focus, listen & follow instruction, and work in a group setting. Recommended for up to 5 yrs. of age if first Dance experience. An above average, high quality Creative Dance class! 45 minutes
COMBO Class Tap/Jazz/Ballet: Ages 5-7
Combination class. Students are introduced to the fundamentals of Tap, Jazz and Ballet. The style of Jazz, the rhythm of Tap and beginner Ballet positions and steps are introduced and explored, preparing them to enter our level system at age 7, where they can take multiple classes in any style. One hour
For those who still aren't yet sure what style of dance they'd like to pursue. Perfect for those "graduating" from COMBO but not quite yet ready to enter the "Level System".
One hour
TAP: Ages 8 & up (age 7+ with prior dance experience, otherwise 8)
A classic American American Artform. A blend of Rhythm (Jazz) & Broadway Tap with an emphasis on musicality. Students learn vocabulary and vernacular steps, traditional combinations and dances. Classes include barre work, traveling and center combinations. Students are encouraged to execute steps by exploring and applying the use of muscle control, dynamics, tempo and improvisation, resulting in a broad understanding of how to utilize these ideas to create clarity of sound. Dance History covered.
One hour
BALLET: Ages 8 & up (age 7+ with prior dance experience, otherwise 8)
Classes are structured to build the strength and flexibility necessary to dance with correct classical technique. The importance of proper posture and body alignment will provide a strong foundation pertinent to any style of dance. Dancers will focus on musicality, vocabulary, classical lines, and self discipline. Students will be taught fundamentals that apply to all methods of ballet, as well as elements of specific schools (Russian, Cecchetti, Balanchine, etc). One hour and One and one-half hour
(see Level Placement Page for more info./Pre-Approval Required)
More advanced dancers may attend Pointe or Pre-Pointe class at the suggestion and discretion of the Director and Instructor. Dancers interested in Pointe may discuss with Director and Instructor. Dancers interested but not quite developmentally ready may be a candidate for Pre-Pointe work (working Pointe exercises on demi-pointe, or in ballet slippers as opposed to actual Pointe shoes). Age, maturity/physical development, technique, alignment, and strength are all factors in determining one's readiness to go on Pointe. Classes focus on developing strength in the legs, feet and core, so that proper control and grace can be achieved. Adequate ballet technique class attendance is required. An additional technique class is strongly recommended. One-half hour following Ballet. Considered an additional class (Refer to "Schedule of Classes" page).
T.E.C. Technique Enhancement Class (Pre-Approval Required)
Every dancer is different and therefore has unique needs.
This class is a weekly technique class, designed to focus on individual dancers needs with the personal attention necessary to recognize weaknesses and develop and increase strengths, resulting in an overall improvement in ones technique, including body alignment/aplomb, strength, flexibility and performance skills that can be applied to all styles of dance. Primarily ballet technique, with modern and contemporary elements implemented (Meets the requirement of a second ballet class for those studying Pointe).
CLASSICAL JAZZ: Ages 8 & up (age 7+ with prior dance experience, otherwise 8)
This classic American art form of dance encompasses the following styles within including musical theatre & Broadway, Latin & Afro-Cuban, lyrical cool contemporary, funk & blues & 40's boogie-woogie swing & jitterbug, enhancing rhythm & musicality. Sometimes fast, funky and theatrical, other times slow, lyrical & sassy, but always fun! Develops technique through center warm up exercises, barre work, floor stretching and strengthening, culminating in traveling & center progressions and combinations. Dance History covered. One hour
CONTEMPORARY: Ages 8 & up (age 7+ with prior dance experience, otherwise 8)
Contemporary is rooted in modern dance but is also a "broad term" incorporating and encompassing a variety of dance techniques at any given time, including modern, jazz ballet, and "lyrical" also a broad term in the world of dance today.
This class focuses on artistry and movement through space.
Classes will explore different elements of weight shifting, momentum, expression, improvisation and learning how to approach, and manipulate movement phrases/patterns.
Core strength and increasing range of motion will be emphasized, as dancers explore intricate rhythms, articulations, feelings, and the idea that dance is constantly evolving.
The history/influence of modern dance is covered.
One hour
HIP-HOP: Ages 8 & up (age 7+ with prior dance experience, otherwise 8)
Classes will begin with a basic warmup including stretch and strengthening exercises. Dancers will learn different elements of hip hop, street jazz/funk styles to fun upbeat music. A low center of gravity will be explored as dancers work on isolations and fancy footwork, moving quickly and precisely to choreographed routines. One hour
ACRO DANCE: Ages10+ Learn basic Acro skills incorporated into dances, increase flexibility, strength and balance, while working to understand body awareness, gaining confidence with inversion and working backwards. This class will enhance and compliment your overall dance training! One hour
MUSICAL THEATER DANCE: Gain confidence and build vernacular dance skills essential to the musical theater stage! Also includes work on acting and vocal development through ear training for dancers, but DANCE is the primary focus!
One hour
"RAP 'n TAP": A unique combination of Tap dance and Drumming Program created and developed by Pati Cloutier! One hour
TEEN/ADULT DANCE": Ages 12 & up
End your week on a high note with this dance fusion class!
Get you heart pumping with fun cardio warm up routines, and then release all your stress and tension with some strengthening and stretching. This class will have you gaining technique, rhythm, flexibility, coordination, all while getting a great workout!
One hour
TEEN/ADULT YOGA: Ages 12 & up
A vinyasa class that focuses on the connection between breath and movement. This class offers the perfect mix of strength, ease, breathing and mindfulness. Regardless of age, strength, or flexibility, this class will meet you where you are and all teens and adults are welcome. Yoga is a great complementary practice to every dancer to enhance flexibility & relax muscles. The class will incorporate music, quotes, and themes to better connect the mind, heart & body.
One hour
A dance fitness class designed for older Teens & Adults, to develop strength, flexibility and aerobic capacity through a variety of ballet technique "barre" exercises. This class incorporates the best of what a Ballet Class has to offer and designs it so that you get the maximum benefits of a great workout without feeling like a "workout" gym class.
Get fit while expressing yourself artistically!
The following Programs are held both on and off-site
A specifically tailored and designed dance class for individual Homeschoolers & Groups.
Length of class & Session varies.
Call for more info. and Rates.
A dance class designed specifically for the more mature dancer featuring both standing and seated dance exercises in a variety of techniques & styles.
Call for more info. and Rates.
ADAPTIVE Dance/Movement & Music:
A dance class specially designed for specific Special Needs Individuals and Groups. Classes are open to kids with autism, Down syndrome, kids and adults who are in wheelchairs or have other mobility issues and who have other physical and social special needs.
Call for more info. and Rates.
(Refer to Cloutier & Co. Dance page)
Friday afternoons and occasional Saturday/Sunday afternoons.
For the dancer seeking additional performance opportunities throughout the year, within the community and beyond. Cloutier & Co. Dancers performance opportunities include the concert stage, festivals, tours, master classes, workshops, working with guest artist choreographers and more. By Audition/Invitation in the late Spring of each year. Ballet Class strongly recommended for advanced level participation, as well as 2–3 years of dance experience. Study in a variety of dance styles highly encouraged. Generally a free program, though fund raising and volunteering are required. Please call Director to discuss in detail.
Please inquire about Studio Rental, Morning classes, Saturday classes, Private Lessons, Personal Coaching, Musical Theatre (including Voice and Acting), Zumba/fitness, Pro-Dance (Professional Sports Dance Team Training), Homeschool Daytime Group Classes, Ballroom, or any other classes you would like to see us offer.
We welcome and consider all feedback and requests and will do what we can to accommodate you!