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Tuition Program Costs  2024-2025

*Please call for pricing rates of Homeschool, Special Needs & Elder Dance Classes

PDT is a "Class Wallet" Vendor as part of the "Children's Scholarship Fund of NH"

           1 Class per week  

             10X Monthly Payments: $75 First Student ($70 Sibling)

                2X Payments: $375 First Student ($350 Sibling)

              1X Payment: $750 First Student ($700 Sibling) 


                                                             2 Classes per week   

              10X Monthly Payments: $135 First Student ($130 Sibling) 

              2X Payments: $675 First Student ($650 Sibling) 

               1X Payment: $1350 First Student ($1300 Sibling) 


                                                             3 Classes per week 

             10X Monthly Payments: $185 First Student ($170 Sibling) 

               2X Payments: $925 First Student ($850 Sibling) 

               1X Payment: $1850 First Student ($1700 Sibling) 


                                                             4 Classes per week 

             10X Monthly Payments: $225 First Student ($200 Sibling) 

             2X Payments: $1125 First Student ($1000 Sibling) 

             1X Payment: $2250 First Student ($2000 Sibling) 


                                                            5 Classes per week 

            10X Monthly Payments: $275 First Student ($250 Sibling)

             2X Payments: $1375 First Student ($1250 Sibling) 

            1X Payment: $2750 First Student ($2500 Sibling) 


Please inquire for discounted rates for 6+ Classes per week, or if you...

*have a family with 3+ children.


Pointe is considered an additional, separate "specialty" class, and based on the 1 Class per Week Tuition Rate.


Costume Fees are due with Feb. 1 tuition, at $100 per class/costume.

For those on monthly Auto-Pay, your costume fee(s) will be processed on Feb. 1 with your tuition payment unless otherwise advised.

School Year Program is payable monthly, due by the 1st calendar day of each month Sept.-June or at your first class of any given month, 10X, 2X (Sept. & Jan.), or 1X for Full Year (Sept.). Please consider carefully when choosing the 1X or 2X payment option. This option is intended for those who know realize they are making a commitment for the length of time paid. Tuition is non-refundable. Payments may be placed in "lockbox" located in studio, or mailed to: PDT, 174 Concord St. Ste. 230, Peterborough NH 03458-1228. Email reminders are sent monthly and Bi-Annually. We do not send paper statements. PDT LLC's program operates on a 10-month season September-June, which excludes holiday vacation breaks. Some months may contain fewer than 4 classes, but rest assured, you are getting all classes designed for the Program. PDT's Tuition Program fee's are based on the 10-month program and not per individual class.

First payment due with Registration (and annual Reg. Fee of $40 per student or $50 per Family), and is non-refundable. It is advisable that you are certain of registering and committing to classes, before making any payment.
The preferred method is by check, payable to PDT LLC, though payment plans are available for your convenience by Auto-Pay Credit Card (fee charged per transaction).

Auto-pay by credit card is processed on the 1st of the month September-June.
Tuition & Payment plans must be arranged & paid by students’ first class.

For families with more than one child dancing, PDT LLC offers "Sibling Discounts".

To calculate start with the child taking the most classes, or longest class. 

Please inquire about additional discounts for families of 3 or more & Work Study

Scholarships when available.


Our Tuition Structure is designed so that the more classes you take, the more you save!

You must register in September to be eligible for the discounted rates.

Keep in mind, adding classes later, results in paying full price for each additional class. Starting all classes in September results in more discounts. If you cannot start a class until Nov. due to a sport, another activity, or any other reason, to ensure your place in the class, it is advised to officially register for September and pay the equivalent of one months program cost (non-refundable). This will hold your spot in the class(es) and allow you to qualify for the program discounted rate when taking multiple classes.

No accounts can be put on "hold" for winter sports, or any mid-year activity that interrupts your participation. If you choose to take a break after classes commence for any reason, for any length of time, you must re-register upon your return, if there is still space in the class. To hold a spot in a class, tuition must be continued until your return. If you opt to stop tuition, you essentially give up your spot in the class and PDT has the right to decide whether returning to a class is possible, and/or accept a dancer from a waiting list, risking your spot not being available when you desire to return.


*Drop-In Single Class Rate $25


All "Drop-In" students must have completed and submitted, an adult signed Registration Form to participate, with Reg. Fee paid. 


Tuition is "Non-Refundable".


It is your responsibility to notify Director of any plans to withdraw, 30 days prior to withdrawal. No refunds on Costume Fee at any time. Accounts must be kept in good standing including, June tuition paid in full prior to release of costume(s) regardless if costume(s) has been paid for. PDT LLC does not offer "tuition credits". 

Auto-Pay Accounts will resume unless customer notifies PDT before the first day of the upcoming month.


PDT, LLC reserves the right to deny services to anyone, at anytime, for any reason.


Late fees $25

Return Check Fee (the full amount of the returned check + $35 fee to bring account current)

Declined Credit Card Fee $25 (Please be sure to update your account with any changes)


Any account in arrears more than 2 months are subject to "non-participation" until account is brought up to date or remedied.

Withdrawals after the 1st of the month require the next full month’s tuition payment.


Students may try classes at the *Drop-In Class Rate. If student registers, then *Drop-In fees paid will be applied toward Registration Fee & Tuition.












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